प्रेम जीवन का विशुद्ध रस । प्रेम माधुरी जी का सान्निध्य जंहा अमृत के प्याले पिलाए जाते है ।प्रेम माधुर्य वेबसाइट से हमारा प्रयास है कि इस से एक संवेदना जागृत हो ।

Sunday, July 5

shri gaurav krishana goswamiji

gaurav krishna goswami ji is a devote of shri radha rani and bankey bihari.near of holi festival of 2010.he had Miracle(marvel) with  him.he was doing service(सेवा) of thakur ji.he was clamping(press) legs of thakur ji and also he massage(friction) legs of thakur ji.but when he took perfume of Saffron(केसर ) he think that at this time there is not winter(because saffron perfume gives heat in winter).if he will use it thakur ji will get more heat that will be not good.than he think about perfume of rose (which will give coldness to thakur ji).but there were not any perfume bottle  of rose.then suddenly store keeper of bankey bihari temple came and said-"take perfume of rose".for your information gaurav ji yet not told anyone to give him prefume of rose.the gaurav krishna ji asked that whom have given you this?then he replied a child,standing out side of temple,has given him perfume.then gaurav ji sais him that i want to meet him.but the child was gone.
in this miracle the child is bankey bihari who came as a child to give perfume to shri gaurav krishna ji.then shri gaurav krishna ji  weeped a lot in the  memory of shri bankey bihari who came near of him.


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